all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 5AA 41 0 52.517756 1.706032
NR32 5AB 17 1 52.519257 1.704942
NR32 5AD 8 0 52.519364 1.706411
NR32 5AE 20 0 52.520243 1.70678
NR32 5AF 11 0 52.519253 1.707669
NR32 5AG 15 0 52.518705 1.707048
NR32 5AH 6 0 52.516351 1.708125
NR32 5AJ 16 0 52.515954 1.705873
NR32 5AL 17 0 52.518149 1.707576
NR32 5AN 37 1 52.51742 1.709019
NR32 5AP 23 0 52.520026 1.715107
NR32 5AQ 32 0 52.517668 1.70657
NR32 5AR 4 0 52.52101 1.710988
NR32 5AS 16 0 52.519986 1.705785
NR32 5AT 45 0 52.519973 1.701611
NR32 5AU 9 0 52.520382 1.697163
NR32 5AW 5 0 52.519154 1.710227
NR32 5AX 8 1 52.514269 1.699922
NR32 5AY 5 0 52.513681 1.707192
NR32 5BA 7 0 52.513871 1.699151